Monday, April 4, 2016

Sickness, Conference, and prayers...


Well I got sick again. Stomach flu this time! This is my third illness and I've only been out for three months on Wednesday. It's rather unbelievable. I sure am developing lots of immunities! I missed out on my first opportunity to attend Specialized Training. As far as I can gather, the Assistants to the President and the President himself provide training to the zone. It's alright though! God has a different plan for me!

Never before have I been so excited to watch General Conference! I so loved Eyring's opening remarks to those searching for an increased capacity to love the Savior. My hearts go out to all feeling the same. Tears struck my lap the same moment they left my eyes as he bore his testimony. I also dearly loved Ballard's words of family council. Powerful forces, these councils. Many many times have I been rescued by the Spirit's influence and the love of my dear parents in such councils of all forms. The concluding prayer of the afternoon session powerfully asked a blessing to be upon the missionaries. So much so, Elder Hilborn looked at me with tears in his eyes saying, "They prayed for us!" We are so humbly grateful for all prayers. They make such a difference.

I was also very entertained to note Uchtdorf's reference to Chewbacca in the Priesthood session! Including his directed approach to single men searching for a perfect woman, "Brethren if there truly were a perfect woman on this Earth, what makes you think she would be interested in you?"

W+++ came to the Young Single Adult Family Home Evening Tuesday night. We played a board game called 'Pit'. I only won a single game out of nine or ten, so I'm learning to be a better sport. The awesome thing is, W+++ volunteered to provide the spiritual thought for next week. Two minutes of time one reads a scripture, provides insight and bears testimony to begin the evening. The desire I see within him to be a part of the fold is unique. The first I've seen on my mission. I am so enthralled to see this desire work within him to push him to do difficult things. He is breaking the habit of chewing tobacco, reading the Book of Mormon,  and praying. I truly believe he will be baptized. The Spirit is working in his heart. I know your precious prayers on his behalf are moving mountains within his soul.

Thursday, much to my dismay, W+++ admitted to drinking alcohol and getting in a bar fight. He had blood stains and facial wounds to prove it. We ensured to discuss with him the feelings of guilt he felt and how to repent through the atonement of Christ. We invited him to follow the pattern of repentance as outlined in the Book of Mormon.

General Conference was a good experience for W+++. He and Danny Higgins, a returned missionary of a few months from Oregon, are becoming great friends. It brings a lot of joy to my heart to see this. In fact, W+++ attended each and every session. I am amazed!

Ever since Saturday morning, I was greatly anticipating the time to hear from Jeffrey R. Holland. Glorious after glorious talk came and went, but no Elder Holland. Of course my excitement could not be contained. Danny leaned over to me at the time the concluding speaker of General Conference was to be announced, "Do you think Elder Holland is going to be the concluding speaker?" in an attempt to make fun. I smiled and said with conviction, "I KNOW Holland is going to be the concluding speaker!" To those of you familiar with my admiration for Jeffrey R. Holland, you can imagine how I jumped for joy at the announcement of his remarks. My penmanship at the time I was taking notes faltered because I was shaking with excitement! His message of hope brought such peace to my soul, and rest from my worry. I sure pray everyone has an opportunity to either hear or read his words from this time. They are profoundly inspiring.

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